As a Startup Company, Do You Need an LA Business Attorney?

Many startup companies don’t realize the importance of hiring a business attorney.  Considering today’s technology-focused world, there are numerous reasons startup companies should spend the money for a lawyer who is skilled in copyright and intellectual property laws, trademarks, incorporating, agreements, contracts, and more.  In addition, many new companies make decisions without knowing whether they’re legal, just pushing the envelope, or even perhaps breaking the law.  As a Los Angeles startup company, do you really need to consult with an experienced Los Angeles business lawyer?  The answer is simple:  absolutely.

Here’s a quote you may or may not be familiar with by Guy Kawasaki:  “Ideas are easy.  Implementation is hard.”  Never a more true sentence spoken!

It really makes no difference whether yours is a digital startup or you’re just getting started with a brick-and-mortar business.  Every startup benefits by acquiring an attorney who specializes in the areas of business, including entity formation, founder agreements, and more.  In the early stages of a startup company, legal needs may vary in the areas of licensing, employment, partnership, and other areas depending on the nature of the startup, and its growth.  Mergers, acquisitions, and securities regulations are other areas many business attorneys specialize in, and that startups may eventually need guidance with.

Of the startup companies who do, why hire an attorney?  There are countless reasons, not the least of which include a business lawyer who is laser-focused on the success of his/her client provides long-term, strategic value in addition to focusing on risk-management for startups, and smart growth strategies.

If yours is a startup company, do you understand how to legally hire employees, compensate them, or even terminate an employee?  How is the proper way to go about protecting intellectual property, or advertise in a way that’s in compliance with federal rules?  If you intend to partner with another company or enter into an agreement, do you know all the rules and how to accomplish your goals without conflict?  Online, how can you maintain user privacy on your company website?  There are literally hundreds of questions startup companies have, which makes hiring a capable and trusted LA business lawyer critical to your success.

At Spotora & Associates, we understand the needs of startup companies, and how your success hinges on the guidance and support of a skilled and experienced attorney.  Avoid legal issues that could devastate the success of your business by consulting with a lawyer early on.

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