Now That’s Entertainment!

In an industry recognized world-wide that is always under the microscope, having within it a tremendous flux of individuals and businesses striving to become a part of it daily, our Los Angeles entertainment lawyers know the Who’s & What’s necessary to make entertainment work for you!

Although seemingly large on the “big screen,” the industry in fact is relatively small and you’re either in, or you’re out. Whether you’re a writer, producer, director, actor, singer, song writer, musician, manager, agent, studio or studio executive, the trick, of course, is to stay in once you get in! Naturally, the right Hollywood entertainment lawyer can serve you well in pursuit of this frequently sought after goal. Look no further!

Our lawyers’ abilities and experience range from that of Deal-Making and Drafting vital industry related Contracts, to securing intellectual property rights such as Copyrights and Trademarks and, of course, Litigating our clients’ rights.

We have worked with some of the biggest known talent on both sides of the camera and/or microphone, as the case may be. This, coupled with our hands-on approach and the individualized attention our clients receive has made it easy for us to enjoy a reputation of serving as the entertainment attorneys our clients had only hoped to find.

The entertainment lawyers at Spotora & Associates have successfully handled matters relating to entertainment law including the following:

* Film and Television Production Contracts
* Movie and Television Development Contracts
* Film and Video Distribution Agreements
* Entertainment Representation Agreements
* Music Industry Agreements
* Licensing Agreements
* Royalty Agreements
* Modeling Contracts
* Management Agreements
* Publishing Agreements
* Entertainment Partnership Agreements
* Copyrights
* Trademarks
* Entertainment Litigation / Arbitration

Whether your matters are transactional or litigious and involve Motion Pictures, Television, Theater, Book Publishing, Music, Sports, Talent or related issues on the Internet, we’ve got you covered! Call us and let our entertainment attorneys work toward achieving your goal!

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